Look through any window yeh! What do you see?
You may think what has the first line of a famous Hollies single got to do with the windows and doors market, but then again what do you see?
Looking out through your window gives you a view of the street, garden or a neighbour’s property and of course the state of the prevailing weather. If you are unlucky not to have the benefit of modern windows with double glazing and weather seals, you might very well hear the activities going on outside and even feel the draughts through your old frames where the sash meets the window frames.
Switch the view
Now look at the windows and doors from your street or front lawn and you will immediately be struck by how important these are to the look of your house and in some cases you can recognise the era in which the house was built if a period property.
Impact on the value of your home
In a survey carried out in 2008, Estate agents commissioned by a leading Building Society, said:
The most important feature that could affect the value of the house was the design and quality of the windows and doors, did they match the style of the house and which material had been used to make them.
For those selling your house and hoping to move in today’s tough market conditions, it isn’t easy, it’s certainly a buyer’s market. If not selling you may want to improve and or extend your home and now is probably the best time to do that in the spring ready for the year ahead.
What sells your house?
So, few would argue that the street presentation of the house is the biggest selling feature, and nothing adds more to this than well designed, and made windows and doors.

Modern fenestration products whatever the material used to build them, now come as double glazed, weather stripped and are fully tested to all the extremes of weather and offer the very best in thermal insulation. This means that you will get the benefit of less money spent on energy, have a safer, warmer and quieter house in which to live and enjoy.
Listed property considerations
If you live in a period property that might be listed there will be some restrictions about design, material and glazing applications. However local authorities and the planning teams are becoming more aware of the need to help with the insulation of the property to save on energy bills. They look kindlier now on double glazing units that are designed as slim in appearance but still give the benefits.
Timber windows
Planners may insist on retaining some features such as the material used which might have to be timber. This is not the issue that it used to be. Modern timber windows are built from laminated engineered sections, treated against twist and rot and can be finished with modern factory applied paint systems. These will perform equally to uPVC products with warranties for up to 8 years before any more decoration. Also, almost any colour required can be offered with different ones between the external face and inside.
Higher standards
All modern windows and doors now must conform to the very best performance standards and carry CE marks to confirm their status. In addition, new legislation for security in new housing has meant that all manufacturers design and make their products to these new standards so existing householders can have the benefit of this also.
So next time you look out of your windows and doors or from the street at your house, think about the value of your house and how much that depends upon what you have installed.
How can we help?
The New Window Company has extensive showrooms at Frieston Heath near Grantham where all the products mentioned here can be viewed as full size working models in all the different material choices. See our windows & doors.
by T R Wakeman